Yuko Terada
Manages beauty trend analysis and collection hair and makeup.
Who is Yuko Terada?
Yuko Terada does hair and makeup for fashion and beauty magazine shoots and Fashion Week Tokyo. She is involved in product development and advertising photography and is also in charge of analyzing beauty trend information for each season. She is skilled at providing makeup that connects to real-life beauty and the cutting-edge trends. She has won awards in contests such as WWD and Hair Mode magazine.
She loves watching fashion shows, such as the Paris Collection, and always wanted to be involved in the fashion field, which is why she decided to pursue this type of work. She strives to be attentive to models and celebrities so that they can feel comfortable during photo shoots, and her goal is to become a hair and makeup artist who will be supported in the fashion world.
Joined Shiseido in 2017. Graduated from SABFA (Shiseido Academy of Beauty and Fashion.)
- Advertising
- Magazines
MAQUIA / Marisol / with
- Show&Event
Yuna Yang / Son Jun Wan / Josie Natori / THEATER PRODUCTS / Barbara T fank etc.
Dolce & Gabbana / YUKI TORII / HIROKO KOSHINO/ tiit Tokyo / VIVIANO SUE / THE Dallas / MEMUSE / Hanae Mori manuscript / BODY SONG etc.
- Award
2018 Fujishin Japan Cup Best Jury Prize
- Related Information
INA Nail Specialist Certification AAA acquisition